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Waste Removal/Dog Walking

Pet Waste Removal


Everyone loves their pets but hates the messes that they have to clean up, or may not have the capability to do so. Pet waste can be harmful for you and your family. By letting us do the dirty work for you not only does it make your life easier but ensures a disease free environment.



$15.00 Once a week up to three dogs

$25.00 Twice a week up to three dogs

($5.00 extra per week for 4+ dogs)


Litter Box/Cage cleaning $15.00 a week

Litter Box/Cage cleaning $25.00 twice a week


Fish Tank Cleaning (Fresh water only)

$20.00 up to 30 Gallons

$40.00 30-60 Gallons

$70.00 over 60 Gallons



Dog Walking

We all lead busy lives, but our pets need to exercised to release that pent up energy, and to stay healthy. We understand that a lot of people live in apartments, may not have the room or time to let their pets out, or may not have the capability to walk their pets.  We will make sure that your furry friends are given the fresh air and exercise they need and deserve.



$10.00 for 15 minutes a day

$18.00 for 30 minutes a day



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